Failte Ireland provides welcome support to outdoor dining zones in Ennis

The outdoor dining experience in Ennis was significantly enhanced in 2021 with financial support from Fáilte Ireland (under the Local Authority Weatherproofing & Outdoor Dining Infrastructure Scheme). Under this scheme Ennis is to receive €198,521.
Ennis Municipal District along with the Chamber of Commerce identified three outdoor dining zones in the town, Abbey St. carpark, Lower Parnell St. and Francis St. Festoon lighting was erected in these areas as well as O’Connell St. and Parnell St. Restaurants in these areas received outdoor dining furniture (tables & chairs), branded fire-resistant parasols with castors, branded windbreakers and barriers.
Thirty large planter boxes were designed and installed, with flowers and plants selected to bloom at various stages of the season. These were distributed across the zones as well as around the Templegate Plaza area.
Signage was installed where outdoor dining areas extended into carparking spots. Two 20ft & 8ft storage containers were purchased and located in Abbey St. and Francis St. carparks to store the outdoor dining furniture. The Templegate plaza area has been landscaped and will be planted in the spring 2022.
Page last updated: 13/01/22
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